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Release time: 2022-09-14 [Font:Big Middle Small]

       August 16, 2022,Shanghai Bureau Group Corporation Hangzhou West Station Fragrance Lid Development (Shangtie · Yunshang Guanlan CenterProjectPass the completion acceptance,It marks that the practice 188bet mobile loginof station city fusion concept has taken another important step。

  This project is the National Railway Group and the Zhejiang Provincial Road Land.,Important deployment requirements for coordinated development and new urbanization,High -quality implementation of the demonstration led project of comprehensive development of newly -built storage space in the Yangtze River Delta region。Project buildings are distributed on the four corners of Hangzhou West Railway Station,Cover is the high -speed rail through the 188bet sports bettingmain line,Cover is commercial、Office、Planning formats such as hotels and other transportation facilities,Total construction area is about 50,000 square meters,It aims to create the first "cloud" high -speed rail TOD on the top of the country to build a one -stop recreational and business travel district

  The project successfully competed for land on May 11, 2021,Together with both parties in the road,Starting three months after obtaining the land、Six months cap、The effectiveness of the nine -month structural 188bet sports bettingacceptance,42 copies of the road approval documents now,Get 1 National Practical Patent 1,At the same time at the People's Daily、Xinhuanet、CCTV Finance、China Natural Resources News、People's Railway News、China Railway、Zhejiang Daily、Hangzhou Daily and other countries、Provincial、Municipal mainstream media publicity reports more than 30 times。In terms of engineering construction,Overcoming Hangzhou West Railway Station to open the opening time、Difficulties in task weight,Reasonable 188bet mobileorganization of construction flow operation,Complete the main structure of the project before the test and acceptance of the Lake -Hangzhou Line。Cost control,Strict control of the project bidding procurement process,Review of the bidding control price,Guide full market competition,Effectively save construction costs。

  Next,Shanghai Bureau Group Company will keep up with urban development opportunities,Actively participate in urban renewal construction with the role of "urban development 188betinvestors",Continuous exploration and promotion of new models dominated by the concept of railway station city integration。

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