188bet mobileCalling takeaway on the high -speed rail, a handmade Xiaolongbao for a copy

      At 11:00 on January 5,188betG12 train passengers Shao Zhengjie got on from Shanghai Hongqiao Station,Orders on the hot chain package through the 12306 mobile app。After an hour,Train arrives at Nanjing South Railway Station,A hot air、dry pot duck with fragrance -scent duck in front of him。Mr. Shao showed a smile after taste: "Fresh ingredients,Flavor! It surprised me that,Winter high -speed rail can still eat the food that has just been released.。”< /span>

  New Year New Year,From 188bet sports bettingJanuary 5,China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd. passes through Shanghai、Hangzhou、Nanjing、Hefei、More than 470 high -speed rail trains in Xuzhou and other places,A total of 17 new prices from 18 yuan to 30 yuan include inclusiveness、Volkswagenization high -quality high -quality package。Plus order through the 12306 mobile app、Sweeping handrail QR code、The waiter will sell the carriage and other forms,Passengers can enjoy without leaving seats。< /span>

  It is worth mentioning is,On the new menu,Local characteristic face —— Lazhou Xiaolongbao "Shining Decelers",Due to thin skin filling、Toughness and Full,Welcome to passengers,Become a "Star" meal。

  Since the theme education,Shanghai Bureau Group Company penetrates the site along the high -speed rail,Widely collects passengers' catering needs and opinions and suggestions,Through comprehensive comparison and big data analysis,Precise Master the needs 188betof high -speed rail meals for the majority of passengers。< /span>

  "We will follow the opinions and suggestions of the passengers、Sales volume is constantly updated and adjusted and matching,Provide a variety of choices for different passengers,Use a good bowl of good rice "with a warmer stomach",Warm passenger go home。"China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd. Hua Railway Travel Service Company Party Committee、Chairman Zhang Wei introduced。

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