188bet sports betting

Release time: 2023-07-13 [Font:Big Middle small]

Finger      Taber Calculation unit  EndCheng The same period last year
188bet sports bettingCompleted
Compared with the same period last year
188bet loginAdd or decrease
Increase or decrease in the same period last year%
1. Railway transport          
  1.Passenger sending amount millionPeople
75946 93387 123.0
  2.Passenger turnover 100 million kilometers 6810.29 3007.33 3802.96 126.5
  3.Total delivery volume of freight millionton 193056 188bet194651 -1595 -0.8
  4.total freight turnover 100 million tons kilometers 16113.73 16134.41 -20.68 -0.1
  5.Total change weekly transition 100 million tons kilometers 22924.02 19141.74 3782.28 19.8
2. National Railway Fixed Asset Investment billion yuan 3049      
Note:The statistical scope does not contain Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. 
                                                                                                                                                              Provided by the Development 188bet loginand Reform 188bet loginDepartment of the National Railway Group
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