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Release time: 2020-09-10 [Font:Big Middle small]

  According to"The Ministry of Justice on the development of national outstanding law firms Notice of the National Outstanding Lawyer Selection and Commendation Activity "(Si Fantong (202064No.) Requirement,Now the proposed candidate to be recommended as the national outstanding lawyer will be announced。

  Han Xiao, female,1961year5Moon Sheng, a member of the Communist Party of China, a college degree (Professional Law of China University of Political Science and Law), Bachelor of Law,Zheng Senior Economist. CurrentlyDeputy Director 188bet188betof Corporate Management and Legal Affairs of China National Railway Group Co., Ltd.,2016year1Monthly obtains company lawyer qualification,Professional leaders in the field of "10 million talents" in the National Railway Group。

  Publicity Time:2020year9month11Day to9month17Day

  Publicity unit Tel:010-51840380

  Publicity unit Address: Beijing Fuxing Road10number National Railway Group Party Group Organization Department


                                                                                                                                             National Railway Group Party Group Organization Department


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