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Release time: 2019-01-03 [Font:Big Middle small]

Rail Transit System Test the National Engineering Laboratory is20163Monthly State Development Reform Commission approves the re -establishment item,Relying on China Railway Science Research Institute Group Co., Ltd.,Union Beijing Rail Transit Construction Management Co., Ltd.、Guangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd.、National Science and Technology Innovation Platform built by Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Ltd.,It is an important part of my country's urban rail transit innovation system。Laboratory fromOne -line eight system, one centerComposition, the total amount of investment estimates is244.38 million yuan. infront lineTest 188bet188bet mobile loginthe urban rail transit test line;Eight SystemFor 188bet188bet mobile loginthe urban rail transit vehicle system、Circuit Engineering System、Communication signal system、Infrastructure detection system、Passenger Service System、Energy -saving and environmental protection system、Material Engineering System、Safety Monitoring Evaluation System,Involved20 professional laboratories; "one center" is 188bet188bet mobile loginthe urban rail transit test data processing and test simulation center。At the same time,Choose several operating lines as a demonstration base for engineering and technological achievements in urban rail transit,System testing of actual operating conditions and operating scenarios、Comprehensive 188bet sports bettingTest、Dynamic 188bet mobiledetection、Jointly Test Test。

Rail Transit System Test the National Engineering Laboratory Figure

After the laboratory is completed,Combining fixed devices and mobile devices、Combination of static and dynamic tests、The combination of the circular line test and the main line test,Urban Rail Transit National Science and Technology Innovation Platform with international advanced levels,The reliability of 188bet188bet mobile loginthe urban rail transit system、Safety、Urgent needs of performance verification of comfort and energy saving and environmental protection,Research test of major key technologies and equipment for the development of urban rail transit、type test、reliability test、System interface test、Comprehensive Test、Jointly Test Test、Test verification,Test research 188bet mobile188bet sports bettingon core technology research and key processes、Development of major equipment prototypes and key components、Industrialization Technology Development、The strategic forward -looking technology research and development of industrial structure optimization,Establish and improve the standard system for urban rail transit technology,Cultivate engineering technology innovation talents,Promoting the application of scientific and technological achievements,Comprehensive improvement of urban rail traffic independent innovation capabilities and core competitiveness,For the implementation of innovation -driven development strategies、Construction of a strong support for transportation 188bet mobileprovides strong support。

188betCity rail transit comprehensive detection vehicle schematic diagram

  2017In August, China Railway Corporation applied to the TEAC [2017]639number files approve the initial design of the project。After the project approval,The Company of the Academy of Railway Sciences Promote the project construction work,Organize the purchase of bidding inquiry,As of2018At the end of the year,Signed a comprehensive test car for urban rail transit、Exchange Transmission System Testing Pine、Flame -retardant fire prevention laboratory equipment、CarMVB_WTBCommunication consistency integration test platform、Ethernet Communication Tester、Increased renovation of power supply system40remaining contract, the total amount of the contract exceeds1.3billion yuan。Urban Rail Intelligent Transportation and Comprehensive Information Management Software Development and Integrated、Database system、Ethernet Communication Tester、Signal simulation testing platform and other test equipment has arrived and played a role。
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