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Release time: 2019-04-17 [Font:Big Middle small]

1. International trains running

Open Nanning to Galin, Hanoi Jialin T8701/MR2 international trains

2. Fee fee

Standing window releases international 188betjoint transportation tickets without receiving 188betfees,When selling international joint transportation tickets for the sale point, it will charge 50 yuan/piece handling fee。

3, related precautions

1. Each station only sells international transportation tickets departing on this site (Guilin Station is available for the sale of international transportation tickets departing on this site,Separation of Nanning's T8701/MR2 international 188betjoint transportation ticket to Jialin, Vietnam)。

2. Passengers need to present the valid passport certificate when buying an international 188betjoint transportation ticket and be responsible for their legitimate effects。

3. Other unspecified matters shall be based on the station announcement,Details Consultation 0771-12306。


Train time、Ticket price 188bet sports bettingand place of ticket sales, please click the link below to query:


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